Python: What is a Lambda Function?
In Python ,the lambda keyword is used to define an anonymous(i.e.,nameless) function, using the follow syntax:
lambda parameters: expression
Assunme we have the follow list of fruits:
fruits = ['apple','orange','grape','lemon','mango','banana']
Now imagine we need to filter our list to print only fruit names which are 5 characters long.We could do so by defining a named function to test word lengths,and then passing it (and our list of fruits) to filter():
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Or, the same task can be accomeplished directly in filter() using lambda expression, without needing to define a separate named function:
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Beacuse lambda functions are Python expressions, they can be assigned to variables.
So, this:
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Is equivalent to this:
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- 本文标题:lambda-function
- 本文作者:Roy
- 创建时间:2020-05-16 10:40:18
- 本文链接:
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